Divine Connection - Part 5

Scripture Reading - Psalms 37:23 KJV

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

Greetings fellow believer in the Awesome Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you this day while he fills you with all Peace. Today we are continuing on the ways of God concerning being led by the Holy Spirit of God. This means all Children of God ought to be led by the Holy Spirit. When we are operating within God’s Will it allows us to be in the right place at the right time for the right things to happen. In the first lesson entitled Divine Connections - Part 1 we mentioned a little on what you could do to be led of God. We mentioned that daily fellowship with God is how the Good Lord will direct your steps. In the next lesson (Diving Connections - Part 2) it stated that when we (ihlcc) speak of daily fellowship with God we are speaking about two specific things knowing (understanding) The Word of God and following the leadings from The Spirit of God. In another Lesson (Part 4) we shared our thoughts on conscience because a lot of your decisions comes directly from your conscience. If you aren’t properly following your conscience you are not properly following God’s Voice in your heart. In today’s lesson we will look at an example of being in the right place at the right time for the right thing(s) to happen. Let’s examine the example of David from the Old Testament. In 1 Samuel 17:20 KJV it states, “And David rose up early in the morning, and left the sheep with a keeper, and took, and went, as Jesse had commanded him; and he came to the trench, as the host was going forth to the fight, and shouted for the battle.” A couple of things to notice in this example. We will start by highlighting that being in the right place at the right time doesn’t always mean financial gain. Yes, sometimes you will get blessed with something material and/or financial but sometimes hearing the Word of Lord spoken directly to you is a huge blessing by its self. Yes, the right word spoken or revealed to you at the right time can make your day brighter and sometimes make your life easier too. Notice David was following the instructions of his father to go to the place of battle, if David didn’t obey his natural father first for what he could do physically he probably wouldn’t of obeyed his Heavenly Father spiritually later. We also notice, once on the battlefield David knew what to do. Why, because he was in his right place at his right time for the right things to happen inside of God’s Will. Don’t take this too lightly because David was promoted in one day from shepherd working with sheep unto his father’s house to a general/captain in the army of Israel. Only the select few are even given that honor but David received such an honor because the favor of God upon his life at that moment. Yes, even King Saul himself said in verse 37, “Go, and The Lord be with you”. Remember if we looked at this from a natural standpoint David with no military training or experience was no match for the giant. However, when we operate in the grace and power of God the giant is no match for God. David knew God would fight his battle if he was willing to show up to the battle and do his part. Sometimes being in the right place at the right time is unconscious leadings that you do during the course of your day. We don’t usually know exactly how our future will play out but if we take one-step at a time being led by the Word of God and the Spirit of God we do well. Of course you know the outcome David and God overcame the Giant Goliath and the Philistines in head to heart battle. The Philistines trusted in natural strength and size while David trusted in the Name of Lord through his covenant with God. When David started that day, he didn’t know that his whole life would be different after that day. We know that David being in God’s Will at that moment included not only being in the right place but he also knew what to say to persuade King Saul to release him to fight this giant, not in his own strength but rather David’s plan was to fight him in the “Name of Lord”. David also knew what weapons to use according to verses 38-40 he had a choice to rely upon the weapons of man (a sword and a shield made of metal crafted by men or the weapons of God (a rock – symbolic for the Word of God and a sack - symbolic for the Spirit of God that holds the precious Word of God in it until it is ready for usage). Thank God David choose God’s weapons so God would get the glory, honor and praise, not man on his own. Plus, David was very familiar with God’s weapons because he was (and is) a man of prayer and praise. David knew his source which got him the victory, the real question becomes do we know our source of strength and deliverance? In this example David had to face his enemy head on to execute God’s Will for him to be in the right place at the right time so don’t automatically assume that being in the right place at the right time is always easy. David faced family opposition first according to verse 28 with words of discouragement which David turned away from. David also contented with Words of unbelief from King Saul in verse 33 which David overcame by sharing his testimony of how God delivered him before and the Lord will do it again. We (ihlcc) are sure that we all have our battles to overcome we just pray that we all understand the only way we can overcome those battles is by applying the God of Word in the Name of Jesus. This is what propelled David to victory over the giant and this is what gives us the victory for the battles we face in this life. Hopefully, after sharing this general information about David we understand that being in the right place at the right time involves seeing, knowledge, speaking right and doing we should be prepared for whatever the situation calls for. Not by relying on our own knowledge and intellect but rather the pure grace and mercy of God to give us exactly what we need in the right place at the right time for the right things to happen to us. It is one thing to be in the right place at the right time but we must also know exactly what we need to do when we get there. Yes, we can all learn from David’s example that the day of promotion comes in due season when our steps are ordered by God. Hopefully we all understand that David was ready for that day because he was in communion with God continuously and he let everyone know God was his source and refuge (salvation). We (ihlcc) only hope that all believers will do likewise by spending quality time with the Lord and then sharing that key information that Jesus is your source and refuge (our salvation) because God fights our battles with us. We don’t expect God to fight in our place but rather He fights with us when we exercise our love for people and confession of faith. 1 John 5:4 KJV states, “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” Amen!